
Video Surveillance

Let's Talk

Video Surveillance for Peace of Mind

Whatever your goal, video surveillance powered by reliable internet is key to a viable security plan.

No business is completely immune to security and liability issues and implementing a reliable video surveillance system can offer strong protection against theft, trespassers, and other disruptive or criminal behavior. Modern video surveillance systems can help prevent theft, resolve disputes with video evidence, ensure consistent productivity, and help customers and staff feel safe.

Knowing that the system is running properly, with constant connectivity and the right amount of bandwidth can help you feel at ease that your business is fully protected. WiLine works with you to deliver high-speed internet with the right bandwidth for your system. We’ll calculate your needs based on video compression, image quality, scene complexity and resolution, frame rate, number of cameras and other factors, and deliver the reliable, quality connection you need to keep your business protected.

Optimize Online Video Surveillance Functions

An effective business video surveillance system requires internet connectivity to take advantage of important features, such as remote access, push notifications, and data backup to the cloud. WiLine supports this feature-rich environment with enterprise-grade internet access.

Dedicated Internet Access for Business (DIA)

DIA ensures that your business consistently enjoys the amount of bandwidth you need—a critical requirement for businesses using video surveillance systems. WiLine enterprise-grade DIA is quick to install and completely symmetrical, ensuring the same upload and download speeds—a common requirement of modern cameras. In the event that you need to add more cameras, WiLine is easy to scale and comes with SLA guarantees, 24/7 support, and optional services to give you the performance and reliability you need to support your video security needs.


Solution Brief
Solution Briefs

WiLine Solution Overview

Tech Brief
Tech Brief

What is DIA

Optimize Video Surveillance With DIA

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